The Importance of Land Selection in Vaastu.

Many buildings are built according to Vaastu rules, but still, don't give expected positive results. This is because often the first & the most important step, i.e. Land Selection is ignored. Earth is a huge Magnet. It resonates with an electromagnetic frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz which is good for human life.

Sometimes, underground water currents, minerals, cracks, etc. disturb this frequency and cause Geopathic Stress Lines, -IR Lines or -UV Lines on the surface of the Earth. Such lands are not suitable for human well-being and buildings should not be built on such lands.

Some of the effects of Geopathic Stress Lines, -IR Lines & -UV Lines:

  • Damage the Positive energy of the Vaastu zone where they are present.
  • Insomnia & hyperactivity.
  • Mental stress & tension.
  • Faster aging.

So, without land rectification, it is not possible to get a 100% positive Vaastu.

At Bakle Wellness Center, the first step we do is Land Rectification. We use our Scanner Machine to scan Geopathic Stress Lines, -IR Lines, -UV Lines, Nodal Points (points where the Lines cross each other).

We then place Scientific Equipment to block these Negative Lines & Nodal Points so that they have no negative effect on your well-being. Once we make sure that your land is 100% positive, we proceed to rectify your Vaastu.

Get your Vaastu rectified by Bakle Holistic Wellness Center today to live in a perfectly balanced Vaastu.

The Importance of Land Selection in Vaastu

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